Dear small and large local business owners (to be clear not just sewing related businesses), we the smart, science-minded, social media savvy people of the internet are watching and what you say and do about masks, mandates and making us safe as your customers matters.
When your personal social media feed show you obviously doing not a single bit of social distancing or mask wearing in your private life and you publicly chafe and complain about the state-wide mask ordinance meant to keep millions more adults, children and babies from DYING, well you show who you are and I want nothing to do with it.
When I walk in and see your customers and employees not wearing masks or wearing them in a sloppy fashion I will walk right back out. There is NOTHING you have that I can’t find elsewhere.
Personally, I will happily take my money elsewhere not just during this unprecedented time but for ever more based on your actions.
Roughly my calculated remaining lifetime value as a customer to your industry is about 20 thousand dollars and you will not see a single one those dollars. There are way too many other shops going the extra distance, cleaning, mask wearing and taking firm stands to lower the viral rates for their town for me to support you with my time, money or influence ever again.
Since the truth is you are showing who you are as a business (and a person) and when you can’t do something as simple as wear a cloth mask with intention for my protection as your customer.
If you whine about such a simple thing and publish social media showing half assed slopping mask wearing during your whine fest then how can I possibly trust that you have done a good job sanitizing your store or that you are not letting customers pop in for “just a moment” without a mask and leave their virus filled droplets suspended in the air of your store just moments before I enter. Hell, how do i even know you are washing your hands?.. that is it, I don’t.
Masks are a proven first line self defense in the fight against COVID -19 and shame on you for not taking this seriously.
p.s. If your local places are doing a good job.. TELL THEM SO!.. they are getting tons of shit and need your support to stay strong and require mask wearing!