What fun we have had!… Two days and two videos on how to use rulers with your longarm and domestic sewing machines!
We started out on Friday with a mini-class (usually reserved for Speakeasy members only*) on using the Little Flipper as well as some tips on thread matching, and working with vintage fabrics. If you missed it over on Facebook I have added it below for your enjoyment!
Don’t have a longarm?… no worries you are not out in the cold when it comes to using rulers with your quilting! After the success of the video on Friday we got back online on Saturday and set up at the domestic machine! Lots of tips and tricks there as well ; once again showing off the best little quilting ruler from my friend Kim Brunner.
So what do you think? Are you ready to try ruler work on your machines? How about we make it easy and I do a sweet giveaway for a Little Flipper all of your very own? We will pick a winner on Friday the 24th!
Leave a comment and let me know if you are using rulers yet…. and remember you MUST have a special ruler foot so while you are waiting to see if you won, pop over to your machine shop and get the correct ruler foot for your brand of machine!
We have a winner – BRENDA HOWARD! Brenda, please contact me in the next 48 hours to claim your prize!