* Please note that this post is a redrafted version of a post released earlier this week, with changes made to reflect how awesome people can be when they work for a common good.
Sometimes the stars align and two amazing and sex-postive quilt designers are working on designs that run along the same theme. Sometimes they never know about each other’s desire to release their work to the public and they toil away none-the-wiser and sometimes the internet brings them together with a cosmic crash and what results can go one of two ways.
- It can be a blaming, hate filled cat fight
- It can be a working through of timelines, understanding and appreciation for each other’s talents. <–they went for this option!
After all you have to be something really BadAss to be drafting and sewing countless representations of sex toys and these two quilters define BadAss in my book! I know that I can say that both Amy and Julie appreciate all the people in their lives that expressed concern over what could have been a very ugly matter and want to assure everyone that things are cool now and that a little bit of understanding and talking face to face (errr…. phone to phone?) can help us connect as people and work past most any issue.
By the way, this post is STILL NOT SAFE FOR WORK {NSFW} if you keep scrolling you will see sex toys.
I told you….. are you still scrolling???
SEX TOYS ON QUILTS….still with me??
Two designers, and a whole bunch of very fun and sexy designs might not be right for every quilt you make but might just make you the most popular quilter at the next retreat as you are piecing these blocks!!
These two quilters are out to smash taboos and make us all a bit more comfortable with our own pleasure or that of our partner.
The blocks on the left are by Vulgar Quilts collection by Owly Patterns. The blocks on the right are by Amy Dame and are listed on Amy Dame Makes Stuff Both of these collections make up 8 inch blocks and will work wonderfully together on any kinky quilt you care to make. (Can I just say that I never dreamed I would type the phrase “Kinky quilt” but there you go, life is full of surprises!)
That said, maybe just one block to start.. make it into a pillow with a secret pocket in the back to hide your own toy…. come on, I know you have one! (South Dakota I am looking at you!)
Read more about the designer Amy Dame right here! Yep, click here, you know you want to!
Read more about Julie and Owly Patterns right here, click it… click it good!
I know that I have more than one marvelously naughty person in my life who would adore a cheeky gift made from one of these blocks… how about you??