BadAss Quilters Society
You are not alone
Being liberal in the quilting world can feel isolating and that is why BadAss Quilters Society exists. We are here to offer social support and community to liberal quilters and crafters who care about living in a world that values diversity and equality.
We believe that Love is Love, Science is Real, Reproductive Rights are Human Rights, Black Lives Matter and being neutral puts you on the side of the oppressor.
We do our best to be the strongest, loudest and best examples of what it means to be good humans living their lives on the left and loving side of history.
If this is you, welcome, you have found your people.
Hi, I am Maddie Kertay, founder of BadAss Quilters Society. I am a liberal AF, human who craves like minded community and does my best to be a supportive bright-light, truth-teller in an industry that favors shutting up, not rocking the boat and for women to stay in their place. I say “fuck that” and if you want to know more click on my About Maddie page for more about what you can expect here.
Join us in Private Community on Patreon
For as little as $3 a month you can support the growth of liberal quilting community for all. Come check it out CLICK HERE
Finding other like-minded liberal quilters to share your time and hobby with can sometimes be a little difficult, but with a little subtle or not so subtle signaling, you can let those amazing people find you!
Check out our BadAss Quilter Gear Just CLICK HERE and it will take you to our very own print on demand shop! 10% of all profits go to Neonatal Kitten Rescue.
The Blog
Extra, Extra Read All About It! PART ONE
Oh my goodness what a couple of months it has been and I am glad you are all still here. It is already the middle of the year so it seemed a good time to get everything caught up, do some virtual housekeeping and let you all in on what is going on for the last half...
The New BadAss Quilters Mug is Here!
Who knew? Well, really it is not a huge surprise given how many of the mini-posters have been dowloaded but WOW OH WOW! You all sure do love your sassy coffee mugs! I mean why not, there is not a morning that it does not make me grin. And honestly anything that...
BadAss Quilting Mix-Tape
As I get ready to work on my new sewing room I am thinking about all the features I want and one of them is music, podcasts and audio books. Sewing room time is prime listening time for me.. how about you? Here are some of my favorite listens! ...
In This BadAss Home
The best thing about being a BadAss Quilter is knowing that loving to sew and quilt does not have to relegate you to the quiet seats of history. “We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the...
Black Lives Matter at BAQS
When I say "Save the Oceans", I am not implying "F*ck the Forests". When I say Black Lives Matter I am in no way saying that other lives have no meaning. What I am saying is that this is the conversation that is most important right now. To insert "all lives matter"...
BAQS Salty Quilt Labels are Back In Stock!
While there are not a ton we have about 20ish packs of our famous " You can have Sex on this Quilt" and "You can Poop on this Quilt" Quilt labels up in the shop right now! So if you are making quilts for people who would appreciate such cheeky humor best grab them...
Sometimes You Just Have to Get Out of Your Own Way.
Quilts and life have a lot in common. Sometimes you pick an easy pattern and just flow with the process and turn out a sweet and serviceable quilt but sometimes you pick A PROJECT. You know the one, that quilt that is big and ambitious. It will take time and money and...
The Merry Month of May Giveaway!
It can be a little hard to find much to be merry about these days but we sure are going to try! What could be more merry than a week-long giveaway sponsored by the amazing people at Vector Quilts and Sewing Center! Vector Quilts and Sewing Center is a BAQS certified...
Maddie’s Mask
Ok kids, here it is... I have made minor adjustments over time but this is the mask you see in my photo here and the ones you see me wearing online. Will it fit everybody... no. But it will fit a lot of women and teen girls and younger boys. As a rule most guys need...
Core Strength
I admit that I did not watch the Super Bowl, in fact I napped which I considered a much better use of my time but after I got up my feed was FLOODED with both women and men shaming the hell out of the two women who put on the half-time show. Phrases like "hooch-show"...