BadAss Quilters Society




You are not alone


Being liberal in the quilting world can feel isolating and that is why BadAss Quilters Society exists.  We are here to offer social support and community to liberal quilters and crafters who care about living in a world that values diversity and equality.


We believe that Love is Love, Science is Real, Reproductive Rights are Human Rights, Black Lives Matter and being neutral puts you on the side of the oppressor.


We do our best to be the strongest, loudest and best examples of what it means to be good humans living their lives on the left and loving side of history.

If this is you, welcome, you have found your people.








Hi, I am Maddie Kertay, founder of BadAss Quilters Society. I am a liberal AF, human who craves like minded community and does my best to be a supportive bright-light, truth-teller in an industry that favors shutting up, not rocking the boat and for women to stay in their place. I say “fuck that” and if you want to know more click on my About Maddie page for more about what you can expect here.

Maddie 2022

Join us in Private Community on Patreon

For as little as $3 a month you can support the growth of liberal quilting community for all. Come check it out  CLICK HERE


Finding other like-minded liberal quilters to share your time and hobby with can sometimes be a little difficult, but with a little subtle or not so subtle signaling, you can let those amazing people find you! 

Check out our BadAss Quilter Gear  Just CLICK HERE and it will take you to our very own print on demand shop! 10% of all profits go to Neonatal Kitten Rescue.

The Blog

The Good Enough Body as an act of Rebellion

The Good Enough Body as an act of Rebellion

I spent the greater part of my young life apologizing for my body. My feet were “ too big”, or as she called them “ gunboats” or my shoulders too broad, “ maybe you could slouch a bit, you look so “manish” with those shoulders”. My chest too big, and my waist never...

Just Make the F-ing Quilt Printable

Just Make the F-ing Quilt Printable

It is back... the printable people either love, print and hang with glee or they clutch their pearls and turn up their noses... no matter. For those who love it, feel free to click the PRINT  link below the image and print your very own copy to hang up in your sewing...

Week 4 Birthday Giveaway!

Birthday Giveaway week 2!

It is week 2 of my birthday giveaway and I have another mailer crammed FULL of 1st quality fabric store fabrics that anyone who loves color is going to swoon over!! As always we keep it easy around here. Leave a comment for your chance to win and we will pick a winner...