Two times a year the quilt world gets all nutty as they prepare for Market. If you have friends who are part of this world as designers or working for them they have probably disappeared off your social radar, they look pale from lack of sunshine and they are living on cold coffee and take-out in an effort to get samples and events ready for what for all purposes is the “big dance” of our industry.
For those who are not in the know, Quilt Market comes two times a year and it is when shop owners and industry professionals get to go see the newest in fabrics, notions, and industry education. Quilt Market is rather an expensive undertaking and each shop who goes needs to be reassured that the time and money they invest in going is going to pay them back over the coming year. Yes, it can be just one big reunion/drinking party but if you do it right it can mean more business and increased income over the next year. Those who attend learn invaluable tips and tricks that make running a shop a more profitable adventure. ( Since lets face it, there are NO quilt stores owners rolling about on beds of money no matter WHAT anyone thinks)
Part of what I do at market is provide education to shop owners when is comes to working with social media, marketing and shop image. I LOVE my work with other shops… while I don’t have my shop anymore due to personal ( not financial) reasons it tickles me to no end to help other shop owners grow into being the business of their dreams. Marketing and how to grow an amazing fan base is something all shops need to know and I am so pleased to be doing that once again this spring.
I am very lucky that I also have industry friends who will be at Market with me doing the same thing so I want to make sure that shops going to market know about these amazing opportunities! ( reading this as a consumer?… great, feel free to send an article link to your favorite shop owner!)
Maddie’s Top picks for Quilt Market Educational Opportunities (Cha-ching!)
Thursday May 18th
Get up early and learn from Bob Negan of Whizbang! Retail about how to boost customer loyalty and staff training in sessions #200 and #201 – Got a shop… you need to know this guy!
Then spend your day at Quilt Market School House seeping up education from multiple brands .. making sure not to miss coming to see me at the Blend Fabric / Camp Cori School House at 2.55pm . I am going to be teaching shop owners how to develop an amazing Cori Dantini experience in their shop. Cori’s fabrics were a mainstay at SPOOL and I have some great ways for shops to develop into tourist destinations based on her fabric line alone. While there pick up your limited edition ~ Camp Cori~ button which gets you all sorts of other booth goodies as well!
Finish up your day with me again in session 21l from 6-7 pm where I help shops learn how to put together amazing events that make their shops the coolest and most fun place to hang out! Let me help you shake the “money-tree”.
Friday May 19th
Rise and SHINE!!!! It is time to go to camp… Campgraphical that is! Come and learn how to use little more than your smart phone to create amazing marketing assets that give that professional look to your shop with a minimum of fuss or technical know-how. This is session #300 and lasts for 2 hours from 8-10 am…. if you come, bring me breakfast!
What?… already a marketing wizard so you do’t need my session.. well what do you know about cosplay and why the heck should you care? ( You should care, this was a trick question) Join my good friend Cheryl Sleboda as she teaches you how to understand this very hot trend and how to capitalize on it in your shop… Session #301 from 8-9 am
Hand embroidery is STILL hot and getting hotter all the time with our busy go-go-go culture a take along project is always a winner. Join Pepper Cory ( yes THAT Pepper Cory) as she helps you brush up on your skills and shares with you how to create the handwork-buzz in your store! Session #307 from 8-9:30am
Want to learn more about how to create a maker culture, clubs and capitalize on consumer brand loyalty for the work of Cori Dantini? Come visit with me at the Blend Fabric booth from 1-3 pm Booth #1117 and learn how your shop can become a buzzing hub of fabric lovers and buyers and how to grow it even bigger.
Spend you day learning but don’t bail out too soon!.. Branding … you know you hear that word bantered around…. but WHAT you don’t know about branding can be hurting your store. Come learn once again from Cheryl Sleboda who has it all going on when it comes to this topic! Session # 326 from 6-7 pm
Saturday May 20th
Another early morning but again SOOO worth it! Come learn from Kelly Ann Richardson about how to develop profitable and beneficial relationships with fabric designers and pattern makers so your store is always in the know and happily pushing the cutting edge of what is going on in the quilting world!! Session # 400 8-10 am
Or maybe your shop blog has been declared D.O.A. and you need help getting it back on track! BLOGS ARE NOT DEAD.. Come learn from industry leader Ebony Love how to make a blogging plan and then rock it!! Session # 401 9-10am
Got a book in you that needs to get out and want to do it without a main stream publisher… Come visit again with Ebony Love as she shares her secrets on what can be a very confusing topic made easier with her guidance. Session #426 7-8 pm
What about thread? We all know that thread is a BIG investment and you want a thread that your customer can really love and that gives them no headaches… My pick is the threads from the people at Fil-Tec -Bobbin Central and that is why I am teaming up with them for the chance for you to win a FREE 2 day thread school with me in your quilt shop. I will be in the Fil-Tec booth from most of the morning on Saturday showing off the amazing threads and some of my quilts on which it really shines!! Come see me!!!!
Sunday May 21st
Are you awake?… you should be… since there are growing number of customers with physical complaints that are keeping them from enjoying sewing the way they used to. Come learn from Tracy Mooney of Sew Supportive how to help these customer get back in the game. Tracy has first hand knowledge and will help you understand adaptive sewing that you can share with your customers to get them back at their machines and back into your store! Session # 501 8-9 am
WOW!… Of course these are just my top picks… these is SO much more as well and I wish each and every shop owner the best Quilt Market experience ever!!!