Quilting is so many things to so very many people. Each person brings their own form of amazing to this art and today’s Cover Quilter is no exception! Laurie Tigner’s art is nothing short of jaw dropping and proof that quilting does not have to be your first passion for it to be one of your best.
Laurie was raised in a military family and spent quite a bit of time overseas before marrying young (19) and embarking on a marriage that has now spanned 40 years ( and counting!)
Life then took her into a 28 year career in nursing during which she raised babies, became a traditional Icon Painter and finally settled in South Dakota where she now makes her home.
Her venture into the wonderful world of quilting filled the gap after she decided to end her career in nursing and the idea of combining her love of Icon work and that of quilting and there was born some of Laurie’s most stunning quilts.
Today Laurie continues with her spectacular Icon quilts as well as other designs as the mood strikes her. She has also taken up fabric dying with much enthusiasm as shown in this amazing piece!
You can see Laurie and her work at the top quilt shows all around the United States.
And even better than that you can take a class from Laurie!
If you are interested in having Laurie come teach at your shop or finding out when she might be teaching at a quilt show near you please check out Laurie’s Webpage and from there you can check out her blog as well!
and can I just say what a lucky girl I am to have such amazing a talented friends???… now go quilt something!