Please note before you scroll further, that you will be seeing quilt art inspired by the subject of female bodies and organs, if you are not mature enough to handle that, now is time to turn back… you have been advised.
The Lady Garden Challenge was created as an opportunity for Quilt Artists to flex their creative muscles as they express and highlight the issues that have burdened women since the dawn of time. From the lack of serious healthcare and respect for our physical pain to the dangers we can find ourselves in just walking down to the street.
While we had a good number of people (45+) sign up for the challenge life is demanding and many found that they were not able to complete even with an extended time frame, some came up against creative blocks and others came up against societal and family pressures now to share their work and some just wanted one of the stickers and to support the project.
Each person who entered was sent a Lady Garden ” For these rights we will fight” sticker and the proceeds from the entry fee bought 500 tampons and 100 packages of deodorant for The Pride and Protection Project which helps menstruating teens access period supplies and hygiene products when they are not able to get them at home.
So while there are not near the number of projects to share that I would have hoped for I am very pleased that the event did good for so many teens in need. I will be adding more projects as submitted until the end of JUNE at which time we will pick a winner by random drawing. I want to thank each person who entered, both those who dreamed of doing a project, those who just wanted to lend their $upport and those who pushed their creative nature all the way to submission. You are all BADASS in my book!
A special thanks to Prize sponsors Parlor Games ( a women’s health company), Karma Willow Designs @Karmawillow on IG and one lovely anonymous gifter who donated an adorable bag from CoCoQuiltCo on etsy.
Please note if your entry is not here please send it to me with the subject line LADYGARDEN and I will get it posted ASAP!

by Michelle Sanders

“Lush Lady Garden”. Nichole Landers

“Lush Lady Garden”. Nichole Landers

Our Lady of Perpetual Violation by Trisha Frankland of Lodi WI

Lady Garden by Debi Hockenberry