Quilt : A bed coverlet of two layers of cloth filled with padding (as down or batting) held in place by ties or stitched designs. – Merriam Webster
Quilt: An anxiety or exhilaration inducing project that either soothes the soul or shreads confidence depending on the day, the pattern or the quilter – Maddie Kertay
One thing ( among many) that I have learned owning a fabric store is that the art of quilting causes a variety of reactions in a multitude of people. Oh sure everyone loves to pet and drool over fabrics and honestly I have done my best to make SPOOL totally swoon worthy so that people feel pulled to come back often as we try to get in at least 4 new collections per month if not more. After all petting fabric is fun. Stacking it in our sewing rooms is fun, dreaming about projects is fun.
But the actual act of making a quilt can cause slight consternation in some and down right full-on anxiety in others. Gone are the days when a quilt was a utility item made of the scraps of clothing worn enough to spare only to live the remaining useful parts of their life as a form of warmth and protection from cold.
No, today quilts are often forms of personal challenge to see how color, pattern and technique can be brought together in even more amazing ways each time until some sort of personal zenith is achieved in which possibly the clouds in the heavens part and the angles openly weep at the perfection of the quilt at hand.
If quilting this way makes you happy more power to you… you and your rotary cutter rock on! But for others even starting quilting is stressful stuff people!
I would like to take a moment in praise of the simple quilt. The quilt made with nothing more than 5 inch blocks and a lot of love. I would like to assure new quilters that it is ok to start simple and let the amazing fabrics and prints we have access to today do the lion’s share of the work leaving you only to stitch together those 5 inch blocks and enjoy the process.
There is no shame in the simple quilt, no reason to stress, sweat or do anything more than what you feel you can do right now.. new quilter or not!
A perfectly simple quilt starts right here. Write it down Charm Pack Quilt Tutorial
Or pop over to the BAQS FB and drop into the conversation about the part the quilting plays in your life!
P.s. Norah, you rock the jammies and quilt in a big way baby girl!