Thursday of last week hackers infiltrated BAQS and took over the website, wreaking havoc and inserting insane gibberish and some not so charming offers for male enhancement products all over the site ( talk about hitting the wrong target audience!).. sadly the asshats were good at what they did and BAQS lost a good deal of content and who knows what else in the process… rather heartbreaking! The White Hat ( good guys) team I hired is still uncovering all sort of shenanigans on the part of the hackers.
- The Urban Bright Challenge will be reposted soon as the site is safe ( the old post is accessible and we will update and re link soon) We will readjust the timeline and the show WILL GO ON!
- Any current giveaways and the comments that were associated have been lost… we will try again, they can’t keep us down!
- Maddie has re-considered that whole “she is not a drinker thing” and while drinking has some serious charm she is going to stay sober but this also means she is a tad bit grumpy and it has brought out stress hives on her face..oh joy!
- Stuff I don’t even know yet and will fill in here later
The private Facebook community for BAQS, The Speakeasy is still intact but might have lost some of their logins, so please contact me if the new ~fuck those hacker asshats~ level of security I have had installed is messing with your ability to get in and we will get that fixed!