Another week comes to a close (can I get an AMEN!) but before it scoots it’s tail out the door we have thread to giveaway at the Speakeasy!  Today’s giveaway will happen over in the FB group with a live video stream at 10 am Eastern  so I hope you can be there. If not NO WORRIES!  it will stay here as a video until 10 pm tonight (Friday the 13th!) when we will announce the winner. Make sure to get over and make a comment!

Thank you to the fantastic people at Fil- Tec Bobbin Central for all the thread!!

Also don’t forget that tomorrow (jan 14th) starts the giveaway countdown to my birthday!  10 days and 10 prizes ending in giving away an Instant Pot on January 23rd! So there are going to be lots of chances to win in the next few days .



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