Basically Badass

The whole enchilada

BadAss Quilting on Pinterest

  OMG.. are you on Pinterest? It is one of the best ways to lose yourself in photo after photo of amazing inspiration from all things quilty to drop dead gorgeous houses or even some pretty nifty ways to get organized! Even better most of the photos link back to...

The Amazing 4000 Member Giveaway!!

 THE GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED- GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!! Yes it is true  August 1st 2013 the BadAss Quilters Society hit 4000 on Facebook!  We could not be more excited and that means it is time to party!!  And of course as with any great party there are gifts!!  Lots...

Time Flies….

  WOW!.. So I have to admit I was totally not expecting for the BAQS Facebook page to get 300 likes in just one day, or as I like to call them Members in one day!.. with this influx of people we are VERY very close to hitting them 4000 mark that will put in...

Time Flies….

  WOW!.. So I have to admit I was totally not expecting for the BAQS Facebook page to get 300 likes in just one day, or as I like to call them Members in one day!.. with this influx of people we are VERY very close to hitting them 4000 mark that will put in...

The Practically Perfect Mommy Poppins Bag

Today I am tickled pink to have Cheryl Schenck  in the sewists seat and to here tell us about the super amazing bag she made with the pattern Mommy Poppins Bag by SewFearless.  I had every plan to make this bag as well and use it as my on-the-go quilting bag..  in...

Pretty Heavy DoorStop

  With all the work of moving into the new store we have been in and out the  shop door many times and I have more than once caught my hand, banged my elbow and once even head butted  myself in an effort to keep the door open as I entered with a load of goodies....

My Life as a Hex Addict- Short and Sweet

  So this morning I put up a great link to a Hexi generator so that you could print out your own templates to make hexies for pattern making or English Paper Piecing and  you all confessed your love or fear of the hexie so I promised a bit more about them this...

Ireland- A Quilter’s Dream

 Ireland is on my short list of places as a quilter I want to visit and I am tickled pink that my darling quilty friend Penny Barnes is heading back there and she wants you dear quilter to go with her!!   It has been a little over a year since Penny returned from her...

Gearing Up for Four Thousand!

  I sit here and shake my head .. it is hard to believe that we are already making the climb to 4000 BadAss Quilters Society members. This is big stuff folks.. you all are changing the way the world looks at quilters. The world both inside and outside of the...

Jude Edling – BAQS Cover Quilter

    Today I am excited to introduce to you Jude Edling - BadAss quilter!  and instead of me telling you about her I am going to use her own eloquent words help you get to know her better. - THE QUILT ASPECT I remember sitting in the shade of a framed quilt,...