Basically Badass
The whole enchiladaDon’t Be a Jerk About Quilting
To be a BadAss Quilter is to be confident enough to embrace your own style without the need to mock the style of others. To at least aspire to fearlessness in your craft as well as authentic, compassionate and ethical treatment of each other. To be generally opposed...
Spring Cleaning BadAss Style With Robyn From Coffee and Cotton
I just got back from our monthly trip to the wonderful land known as Ikea.. sadly our trip was to get 80 small metal pegs which someone (ahem) lost so the new shop shelves could not be put together until these little gems were back into the mix. Be that...
BadAss Quilter of the Week – Cristy Fincher
I am searching my memory banks about how I met today's BadAss Quilter and I come up blank.. oddly is seems that I have known her warm smile and big heart forever and yet I think it was just last year that we actually met. Crazy how some people feel just right...
In Praise of the Simple Quilt
Quilt : A bed coverlet of two layers of cloth filled with padding (as down or batting) held in place by ties or stitched designs. - Merriam Webster Quilt: An anxiety or exhilaration inducing project that either soothes the soul or shreads confidence depending on the...
Laurie Tigner – BAQS Cover Quilter of the Week
Quilting is so many things to so very many people. Each person brings their own form of amazing to this art and today's Cover Quilter is no exception! Laurie Tigner's art is nothing short of jaw dropping and proof that quilting does not have to be your first passion...
A Few of My Favorite Things! Vol.1
I have always been rather picky when it came to the supplies I use in my sewing room and now with literally 1000's of products at my disposal I have kept with that notion about my notions and I am VERY careful about what I sell at SPOOL. I only sell items...
Working with Japanese Linen
Have you jumped on the linen bandwagon yet? While possibly one of the oldest fibers known to man it is having yet another renaissance due in large part to the adorable ways that Japanese are producing patterns on and projects for this versatile fabric. Linen...
Quilting isn’t Funny – But Megan Sure is!
If you don't know Megan Dougherty it is about time you checked that off of your bucket list. While there might not be a million quilting humorists, she is indeed one in a million as far as I am concerned (I suck up to her in this way to let her know my...
2014 Quilt Market Re-Cap
Quilt Market came and went in an amazing blur of people, fabric and notions and I fear that once again I will not do justice to the experience but since I am pretty sure I am going to fail let me just say that as always I was wildly impressed with the amazing...
Sheila Frampton Cooper – BadAss Quilter of the Week
I know I say this all the time but DAMN!.. I am so blessed to be part of such a rockin community of people who are putting themselves out there artistically, it really just blows me away some days! Today I want to introduce you to to Sheila...
Jemellia Hilfiger- BadAss Cover Quilter of the Week
I am tickled pink to introduce this week's BadAss Cover quilter! Jemellia Hilfiger is not only a fantastic modern quilter but also a kickass seamstress- as evidenced by the amazing Washi dresses and tunics she makes with what seems to be effortless ease! Of course...
BadAss Quilters Society Networking Gala – The Big Wing-Ding
I don't think that there is anybody who has not heard - "It's not what you know, it's who you know" - and shuddered. There is just something SO skeezy about that turn of phrase. But what if we had a huge paradigm shift and thought about how our connections can be of...
Meet Megan Frock and Her Hand Embroidered Haven!
"My goal for this book is to provide a project for every room and every space, a project that can be set in a modern or traditional environment, for a tiny baby or that tiny baby's grandmother. Whether it be a clean white room with a hint of something handmade or an...
Basting Your Quilt
As a longarm quilter I no longer baste my quilts so much as I stabilize it while quilting so that I can work in different areas while not distorting others, I use the floating method for the most part but have been known to use the rails in my time but this is...
Erika Mulvenna – BadAss Cover Quilter of the Week!
Today I hand over the writer's chair to Erika Mulvenna this week's Cover quilter to let her tell us a little bit about herself and her exciting journey into the world of quilting!..... take it away Erika... Hi, I’m Erika, and I’m glad to meet...