OMG people…. we are getting so damn close that I wake each day and yank on my readers ( I am blind like that) and look to see where our number is resting… at this very moment it is 15,765….  Oh so VERY close to 16 thousand… like so close that I need to let you in on a little secret. 

sweet-and-sassy-CelebrationWhen the clock strikes 16 thousand we are going to be celebrating!  Party hats and tassels for everyone (where you put the tassels is up to you!).. after all you are going to need a way to show your excitement since we are giving away the goods when it comes to this event.

We will have 4 winners in all…   One grand prize winner and three very lucky runners up!


We are very excited to be teaming up with some amazing companies who have always been there for us supporting the BAQS mission. These companies include but are not limited to ( hint hint – that means if you have a company that wants to get in on the fun drop me a note!)

Aurifil –

Generation Q Magazine

Sue O’Very – Designer

Persimon Dreams – Host of  Project Quilting

Sam Hunter – Hunter’s Design Studio

Paula Reid  – Batts in the Attic


Villa Rosa Patterns

Fiber on a Whim

Red Bandana Lights

Are you excited?… do you want to hear about the prizes?

In the meantime, if you have a moment and can do me a big favor.. will you let me know what the BadAss Quilters Society means to you?  I often have other advertisers  ask WHY they should get involved with us and what is in it for them … they opposed to our event sponsors  seem to be missing out on what BAQS means to people and I need help putting feelings into words… your words.

What say you???




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