I am a girl who likes her bags and am always on the look out for the perfect bag to tote around my quilting and sewing and I think I have found it.

Even better is that this pattern was created by one of my favorite rising sew-stars Jodi Bonjour of SewFearless fame.  I honestly can’t remember how Jodi and I met but I totally connected with her life as a young mother of a large brood who loved to sew and made time for it in her busy day.

Once I was that same mother.. with 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 then 6 little people making their appearance in my life in  shockingly quick succession. It was good but it was a  full life to say the least.  Sewing was my sanity saver. I was not yet a quilter and Jodi has actually just joined the dark-side herself with her wonderful new Hexi quilt.  But like me her first love was garment and practical sewing with a fun twist.


It may be called the Mommy Poppins Bag but this bag like Mary Poppins herself is full of amazing uses! and I am going to be sewing one for my new quilting bag and I invite you to join me!




Look how wonderfully wide it opens!.. a dream when you are searching for your notions or have something larger to add.  The secret to the wide opening is some wonderful and sturdy hardware that Jodi has sourced for you and arranged to be carried here in the states. ( Details about that here)


mommy poppins2


Look at all the wonderful places to add detail and contrast. Pockets, piping, and corner patches that can even be done in leather! {swoon}  Of course I will be adding my own quilting touches and of course I encourage you to do the same!

mommy poppins 1



This pattern comes as a step by step printable tutorial in PDF format so you can start gathering your fabrics and dreaming about trim right away. I suspect that you could also do quite a bit of pre-sewing as you wait for the hardware which should come quick as a wink.   I bought and downloaded my pattern this afternoon. I ordered my hardware and this weekend I am looking for the perfect leather.. this is going to be fun!

Something even more fun is that Sewfearless herself has offered BAQS readers a generous  discount of 15% on the pattern for this weekend only!   The code is BAQBAG and is ONLY good through 11:59 pm 5/5/13 .

So.. want to join me in making an amazing bag for yourself.. or maybe even for someone you love very much? ( What an amazing gift this would be!)

If you will be making the bag let me know and both I am Jodi want photos so we can brag all over you!  Pop over to Jodi’s blog to read more about the bag and see some of the most stunning examples of what you can do with this pattern  in the bags made by her test stitchers!

So to recap-

Read here about the The Mommy Poppins Bag

Order the Mommy Poppins Bag Pattern here 

Order the MPB  hardware here at the June Bride

and then leave a comment and let me know you will be sewing along…  Hint – all finished bags might be getting a wee  BAQS surprise!

Ready.. Set.. Sew!

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